Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tell me this isn't a little scary......creepy

I got a message on myspace saying....

Subject: Funny Thing

Body: Hey coming home from work everyday i see you in the morning. It's usually between 6:30-7am. Your always in a green honda or somehthing. I try n wave but lord knows you don't be payin any attention. Plus it be mad early. Like i said that's the end of my day but probably the beginning of yours! LOL But yea I drive the new silver Pontiac GP supercharged ,,,you may catch a glimpse of me...holla if you do.

This is pretty funny: Back to the future Trilogy (Sweded)

Did anyone besides me and my sister see "Be Kind Rewind"??
this isn't from the movie, but the concept of doing a low budget remake is what this is.... my favorite movie ever..back to the future.... The black dude playin Doc Brown had me DYING... when he tried to say Capacitor, and when he told Marty to stop bitching..LOL!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I I I'm an alien from outer spaaace...

....I'm a cyber girl without a face, a heart, or a mind!!!!!!
Welcome to Metropolis... Let's walk down Neon Valley Street...
I wrote a blog about Janelle Monae, a while back, I love her music, but now it's on another level of love for her... I just purchased the rerelease (official store release) of Janelle Monae's METROPOLIS SUITE ONE: THE CHASE... It has two more tracks then the downloadable album did... "Mr. President" and "Smile"... This album is so much worthy of having physically in your hands, the album art is CRAZY DUMB HOT... goes right along with the concept as expected...
It has a synopsis of the plot when you first open the album, showing a picture of what Metropolis looks like... this is nuts...
In the year 2719 cyborg Cindi Mayweather is wanted for falling in love with a human being, which is against the law in Metropolis... It is immediately announced that Cindi is WANTED and that she is to be disassembled by Bounty
Hunters... This is where "The Chase" begins...
My favorite three tracks are either "Violet Stars Happy Hunting!!!", "Many Moons", or "Sincerley, Jane"...
1.Her voice is amazing
2.The lyrics are probably the best in the industry right now
3.The concept blows my mind
4.Artistically was pulled off so great
5.The production is unlike anything out, puts you in the mood of the plot
6.Nice and short, 7 tracks...
7.Only $5.99.. can't beat it...
Please BUY THIS ALBUM... PLEASE...If you are a fan of music, and don't know her....still, take risks, because back in the day, you couldn't "try" music before you bought it, you just bought it and hoped for the best... you won't be upset..

Dilemma won Phillies Ryan Howard Beat Contest

Check out the vid of the victory... and from now on, whenever Ryan Howard Comes to bat they'll play Dilemma's beat...
(Dilemma "BAD" shirt, second to right,Ryan Howard is to the right of him)

Congrats man.. that's a good look... Yah^2 OUT! Peace ....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jaimie Foxx... I never got tired of this... I might need security.. BRADYBUNCH renditions

I wish he sang like this on his album instead of that hyped up garbage he put out that still went double platinum.. :)
enjoy this... Peace

I had to throw this in there too.. I LOVE THIS!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Adult hood was animated pt.10...Slowly working on Munny.. slowly..

I was in a dragonballish mood when i started this munny...(i always am), and since they look sort of like monkeys, I decided to do a halfhuman/halfsayinmonkey like style of Goku, for the munny... I started at the back, and I put the symbol of the Kaio's that Kaio-sama(king Kai) wears... I just used a pen, because i don't really have any brushes, but it came out ok...


SWAGGER LIKE US... KanyeWest, Jay-z,T.I.,and Lil'Wayne...

There's a young man by the name of T.I. and he MURDERED EVERYONE ON THIS RECORD!!!!!! take a listen if you haven't heard it already...

We Have a New Champion: Daniel Derhs

I was watching the BMX championship today, and it all came down to Daniel Dehrs verses Michael Spinner...Now... the reason why this was so special, is because last year these two were in the top two and faced off for the title, and Mike Spinner rode his way to victory...BUT, with almost equal performances throught the prelims, when it came to the finals, and one mistake from Mike Spinner, Daniel took the title... (I was really rooting for Mike, cause his style is a bit more aggressive and looks better) BUT Nonetheless, Daniel did his damn thing and took the crown... it was super exciting, and I'm about to research my way into going to my first BMX show the next time they're in a skate park or stadium in Philly... Here's the vid from last year, I'm sure the new one will be up soon.. Peace Yah2 OLYMPICS TAKE THAT!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happiness... Go Get Some...

There's a sickness going around called "Being Miserable"... I was a victim of this for a while...(still slip in from time to time) but I came to the realization, that I couldn't do that sh**... I had a long conversation with a friend of mine today, and I can hear the stress and cry for help in her voice... People "wish" for things to be better, they "hope" ... they sit back and don't do anything about it... Hey, I don't have all the answers, and I don't know everything (if it seems like I'm coming off like this, in this blog) but... nothing is going to change without stepping out of your routine... If you're boyfriend is treating you like ish, if you're relationship with your family is falling apart, if you have dreams that seem out of reach... you HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.... If anything, at the least, take yourself out of your routine, do something new, go somewhere you've never been, do something unconventional to your routine...You might find somebody new, get a new idea for something because you're in a new environment and seen something that you never did, you might even stumble across a bag full of cash...who knows, the point is....if something is that something about it...If you don't like the way you look(this applies to me) change least try, even if you don't reach your goal, you'll have better results trying then just talking... Honestly, I had to step out of my comfort zone and do a few things that I was shaky about, and found happiness in a woman that I remet later in life... I had to remove myself from an environment that I hated, so I could live with the fact that I had to make my own decisions in life, and that it's mine and nobody elses... the point is clear... Happiness, Love, and good memories are all that we have in this life (at least in my opinion) Don't let the time fly by and you look up and you spent ten years feeling like crap and not doing anything about it... Feel good.... get a hobby, laugh, smile, go on dates, practice your craft with passion, hug your loved ones, when you kiss someone do it with the excitement because you love them and not just because it's the millionth time... We don't know if cancer can sneak up on us next year, or what year a loved one will become ill... Time is the most precious thing we have next to our faith, health, and family(if you love them) make sure it's not being spent in unwanted, unneccessary predicaments and problems... Peace... Yaya(RealNameNoGimic)

P.S. There are people that are born blind or with mental ailments, or are in 3rd World countries... you weren't (so smile...and be greatful)

I'm in a Jay-z mood today..this interview was great and funny: Jay-z on Friday Night with Johnathan Ross



Still Can't Get enough of this: 44 4's!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have many favorite records... these are two

LTD "LOVE BALLAD" now a love song... sound familiar??? if you listen to my music, it should..

Cheryl Lynn "Encore" I love it! she KILLS THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Live in the South Jersey/Camden/Philly Area??? Need professional photos done...and I MEAN PROFESSIONAL... for reasonable prices... Ladies and Gentlmen I introduce...da da da dahhhhhhhh Greg Haygood... Photograper extrodinarie!!!! (he's also a hell of a wii tennis teammate). This young man has enough talent to make any photographer you've ever seen, look like they're using a disposable camera... armed with a Nikon D3 and an imagination out of this world, Greg takes photography to the next level. With Clients like Young Chris from Rocafella Records, Producer Dilemma, and many more... you know you can trust the work that Greg puts into his pictures... Here are a few pictures taken from

My favorite picture (fries)

Love the tux pic...

So... convinced now? Greg Haygood...Family man, Wii Tennis Champion, and Master Photographer... HOLLA AT HIM! at, send a message if interested to his blog is pretty good too... and i don't say that for most (as a matter of fact, i'm adding his blog to my links right now).... If you live in Willingboro, You need to go to Greg's studio and get pics the right way , not from those other guys... and hey, don't miss the big sale this summer...
Peace.... Yah2!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Childhood was animated/ part 7 I think? Munny Munny Munny Munny MUNNY!!!!

I love being a big kid... I love cartoons... I love toys... I LOVE TOYS... Up until now, the only toys that I have are vintage action figures, or toys from childhood shows, like Voltron, X men figures, and things like that ... But what I always wanted to start a collection of was designer toys...One of my first blogs ever was about KIDROBOT... and yesterday I was surprised... I came home, and my babe came over all crazy, and she brought me a M******F***ing MUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super joe... this is pretty much the best gift that I've ever gotten..and I can't wait to start decorating it....(hopefully I don't mess it up) :0)

Do you realize, that you are a champion in their eyes? ...Official video...

USA is killing in the Olympics!

Kanye West "Champion Video" Official Directed by NEON from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pictures are worth a thousand words, according to YaYa... Um...what's good B?(click pic to enlarge)

Hey....I thought Beyonce was Black???? hmmm... whoever was in charge of makeup, shooting, and touching up this picture has a lot of explaining to do...don't you think? lol Ladies and Gentlemen...BE YOURSELF!!

this just in....SOLANGE IS HOT!!!!

Listen to this track called "F**k the Industry" over Kanye West's "Everything I Am" Track.... I really really like this... I listened to it four times already... she's not like her sister... she can't sing like her...But... her lyrics destroy her sister's.. so serious...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

joe moment joe moment!!!! TEN YEARS HIATUS...I WENT SKATINGGGG!!!!! AHHHH!!!!

10 years in the making... I have gotten back onto skates... I'm so joe about this ... I literally got home about 15 minutes ago... SO SERIOUS!!! Jazzie and her family invited me to go with them to (what use to be WOW skaing rink) in Philly... I was super bout it to go, but was constantly thinking about how I was gonna bust my behind all night... to my surprise...I didn't FALL AT ALL!!!!!! I sucked super duper extra bad, but hey...I hung in there and didn't fall... I haven't had fun like that in a while...I actually liked the vulnerable feeling of almost falling every few minutes...because it just made me want to do better the next time I got on the floor... (*note* it's easy to constantly do things that you're good at, go out there and try something new for a change, it'll make the event that much better, I love doing things, or going places I've never gone*)
NOW.. do you know who was great ^^^ jazzie was skating around that mug like she uses skates 24hours a day... I'm not gonna lie, I was super impressed... her whole family was good actually...I was the only one who looked like they were having trouble, but it's ok..cause I'm glad that I went out there and tried... There was this familiar feeling that I got while skating, and it reminded me of the 90's...back when people went out and did things like bowl,skate, go to ball games, and all kinds of really social/family type outtings, and I'm glad that I was apart of it, because I dont' get that feeling too much these days... : ) Next time you're sitting in front of your tv on a friday night, while your parents walk by you, not speaking, siblings walk by you, minding there own business, not talking, gather up the entire family and do something together... because it'll be little moments like that, that you'll remember for ever... Peace Yah2 (super big smile on my face)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Movie of the MOMENT!!!! I'm super late!!!!

This movie is probably one of my new favorite films... Apolcolypto is amazing... Very graphic, vulgar, and hard to watch on certain scenes if you're screamish, but you have to appreciate the authenticity of how real this film is... If Mel Gibson pumps another one of these flicks out, he'll probably be my favorite movie director, because with this one alone, artisticly, I don't think he can top this one...or anyone else for that matter.... yup, that's how good it is... I know I'm a bit late with seeing this movie.. But hey, the movies are 10 bucks, 20 if you're treating someone, and I'm tired of seeing wack movies and paying :).. But i wish i did see this one in the movies... that's why people have to take RISKS and try movies out.... music too... with albums...stop downloading all these damn movies and these people, because an entire cast worked hard as hell to put together a peice of work for you and your dumb ass to fill up theatre seats..SO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yaya turns on a bootleg dvd) LOL!