Thursday, January 31, 2008

LOVE THIS SONG!!!! Paramore - misery business

THIS SONG IS CRAZY HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

CD Cover for "This is...For You" what do you think" ??? (click pics to enlarge)

The cover was done by Alex Hudson who's a free-lance graphic designer all the way from TEXAS... so big ups to him for helping me out... I'm just showing a preview of how it looks before i put it out Peace and all that chocolatey goodness.....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Absent Minded Moment of the Day!!!!!! I'm Wil'in...again!!!

Um...ok so I went to Walmart to look for something..i don't remember, but God knows they have everything...I end up seeing this grey hat, and i say "hey i'm gonna buy this cause I need one" Somewhere in between waiting for my friend to buy what he was buying and starting up the car I blacked out.....seriously...I look for my cell phone in my pocket and pull out the "OH Sh** I just stole this hat on accident!!!!!!" Of course I shrug my shoulders, rip off the tag and put the hat on...But look at the price....I pretty much coulda been put ON BLAST for stealing a $1.00 Hat.... once again..I'm wil'in and need to pay attention...hopefully I won't have too many "Absent Minded" entries in the future...hopefully...Don't need that chocolatey badness.... Peace Yah2

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Colin Munroe-I Want Those Flashing Lights (Kanye West Remix)

I know Kanye Posted this on his Blog already...but I couldn't help it...this is rediculous!!!!! Colin Munroe, I'm a new Fan!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

J Dilla: DONUTS album....

I'm one of the few people who were listening to JayDee light years before he passed away (i'm glad more people are up on him now..period..BUT, its kinda wack that people have to jump on the bandwagon after he died...but fans are fans either way) out of all the material that i own from him, J88 import, SlumVillage Fantastic vol.2, Welcome to Detroit...and so on... I never purchased brother got it and was playing it every day so i had to go get here are a few words i have to say about DONUTS..and JayDee..........the are now watching a Master at work....
1. Drums....rediculous
2.Samples....who chops like that???sick...
3.Samples....where did you FIND THAT?!!!!
4.Signature sound on EVERY TRACK..
5.Makes me want to write....
6.Inspirational...this will live forever!!!!!!!
R.I.P... to the best ....James Yancey...

My Childhood was Animated pt.3: Ronin Warriors

Before I was consumed by the Anime juggernaut known as the dragonball phenomenon...I was a very loyal and impressed fan of tv series Ronin Warriors. In Japan it is originally entitled Yoroiden-Samurai Troopers. Although it was very short (39 episodes) and two OVA's...This creation was made by two directors named Masashi Ikeda and Mamoru Hamatsu... It was released in Japan in 1988-1989, but wasn't released in the US till 95'...we're sooo late... The story surrounds five youths (Ryo, Sage, Kento, Cye, and Rowen) each have a special samurai armor that they call on to fight evil. Each one controls a diffrent element...(fire,water, earth, halo, and strata)... The story...great... the animation CRAZY..... If you're my age you probably know about this...if you're younger..go check it out.... And...if anyone wants to be gracious enough to buy me the official box set with the complete series and OVA' my guest...(hig five) Peace Yah

Thursday, January 17, 2008

YaYa's albums that influenced him as an artist

Some people claim that they are 100% original... I mean, that may be depending on how far along they are as an artist to find they're own niche, and stay with it. BUT... when getting started as an artist, whether you're a painter, singer, author, rapper, initially start off being inspired by others work that came before you... example: "a young dancer of today">Chris Brown>Michael Jackson>James Brown>Jackie Wilson....and so on... they all made a name for themselves, but at one point borrowed from someone else to jumpstart they're own thing... now, since i got that out of the way, I will show six albums that did SOMETHING special to me...some how, from the first was something special, that either made me think differently, or spark my own thoughts and creations, but these albums are very close to me.... starting with #6The Score, was the first rap album I ever bought, 1996, I was 10... I haven't been the same since....Brilliant verses, perfect production, and LAURYN HILL...nuff said #5The Slim Shady LP...(sigh) Forget that he's white, or always high on something...especially when making this album....this level of lyricism took my mind to another level...this album also showed how one can create an album tailor made to their lifestyle classic... #4Mos Def and Talib Kweli are...Blackstar...what can i say... from the day i heard this album, to the moment i started making this blog, they have been in my top list of MC's....I often argue who had the better verse on this song or that song....thats how great this album is...with beats from hi-tek, and J-rawls...this album is forever one of my fav's #3The Big Picture...An old friend let me borrow this on a friday, I gave it back to him Monday, bought it on Tuesday and had every verse memorized by the next week I promise...Rest his soul, Big L....GOT LYRICS???? one of the best ever, no one ever recognized his story telling abilities.....Casulties of a dice game and the Heist are two of the best rap stories of all time....This album Really TURNED ME OUT to want to do this R.I.P. #2Life After Death....Can you say Movie of the Ear...thats exactly what this was....Puff new where to go with this albums direction, because everytime i heard it, it was like watching an epic four hour movie thats two VHS videos long, that never loses excitment. Big was so ahead of his time lyrically that I don't think any verse now-a-days is even touching his wackest one from off this album... by the way produciton wise...Masterpeice.... R.I.P. #1 Last But not least!!!Be...this is my favorite album of ALL TIME...please quote me...the answer will never change... The best work of his career. One of the few genius works that were put out in the new century... There is not one weak line on this whole album...NOT ONE.... the Kanye's produciton and his off the wall lyrics meshing together like that, this album made me jump up and down, tear up, yell, throw something, and reflect...All the things a PERFECT album should make you do...this is my favorite album ever... Everyone of these albums shaped me and my style today...Hope you liked the list.. PeAEce

2nd Entry of "The Most Beautifulest Thing in the World....just like that"

Here we are again...It's my second pick for, "The Most beautiful thing in the world segment" goes to (drum roll please) Jennifer Hudson. Whenever I look at her, she looks like one of the girls that a lot of guys wanna holla at but are either too intimidated by her or, wouldn't say antying because she's not a "little" woman.. Reasons why I think she's BAD....#1. She can sing her a** off...I have a thing for woman that sing, anyway anyway.... #2. Even when she tries to be modest, she comes off slighty arrogant, and I love that...I have my reasons... #3. Her face is flawless....strong jaw line, but still has a soft looking demeanor when she smiles, and she looks good in anything....#4. Forgot to mention that she has a smoking hot body but thats neither here nor there... Jennifer Hudson proved that she's beautiful and multitalented..enough to have an oscar huh... pretty much... I will end this by being childish and saything that "SHE IS SO BANGIN....." (yes, i'll be ending all of these segments like that...peace yah

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

YaYa's 3rd Theory on why we're in "the Future": SUPER MALLS I am again trying to convince you people we're in the future...Been to the mall lately?....I have...I went to the Annapolis Mall, in Annapolis Maryland not too long ago, and noticed how far malls have come compared to when i was young...There are many reasons why... but THREE main things made it that much more obvious...#1.Since when has NewBalance been popular enough to have their own store....get the he** outta here...growing up, NewBalance had maybe one rack of sneakers, or maybe like three pair in the entire store...this is crazy...i mean, i'm from Jersey, so this is a little weird to me...#2. The Wii Demos in the middle of the mall? Who does that...There aren't even arcades anymore, yet I walked passed a section of the mall with six wii's connected to six big a** plasma tv's, for testing...Thats f**king amazing...#3. Huge BORDERS book store... Before I left, i had to stop in the Borders, because it's one of my favorite stores(starting to beat Barnes & Racists) and, It was maaaaad big with a cash register in the front and back of the store, and a restaurant up stairs...think back to when we were young...matter of fact, think back to five years ago....these kind of mega stores didn't know why..becasue WE ARE IN THE FUTURE.COM (High Five)

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Childhood was Animated pt.2: The Greatest Anime Ever/ The Dragonball Trilogy

My Childhood was animated/most fell off, but just as long as Anna made it/ in the present, kids still get presents and say as long as Santa made it/ such things were so fabricated/ on the creative side, you have no idea what Anime did..... In the mid 80's after his successful manga "Dr. Slump", Akira Toriyma, created the most exciting, respected manga of all time, Dragonball...As a kid, this story turned me out to Anime and changed me forever...It made me different in many ways from my music, to the way i thought. The story of a lost civilations, friendship, death, innocence, determination, strength, and family All revolve around Goku and his entire journey. The story was origninally just two series', Dragonball and Z...but TOEI animation was so successful, with the help of Toriyama, the created the non manga/anime only GT... This video is of the final episode where they showcase Goku's entire Journey...enjoy...Arigato Toriyama Sensei.. Peace Yah