I am again trying to convince you people we're in the future...Been to the mall lately?....I have...I went to the Annapolis Mall, in Annapolis Maryland not too long ago, and noticed how far malls have come compared to when i was young...There are many reasons why... but THREE main things made it that much more obvious...#1.Since when has NewBalance been popular enough to have their own store....get the he** outta here...growing up, NewBalance had maybe one rack of sneakers, or maybe like three pair in the entire store...this is crazy...i mean, i'm from Jersey, so this is a little weird to me...
#2. The Wii Demos in the middle of the mall? Who does that...There aren't even arcades anymore, yet I walked passed a section of the mall with six wii's connected to six big a** plasma tv's, for testing...Thats f**king amazing...
#3. Huge BORDERS book store... Before I left, i had to stop in the Borders, because it's one of my favorite stores(starting to beat Barnes & Racists) and, It was maaaaad big with a cash register in the front and back of the store, and a restaurant up stairs...think back to when we were young...matter of fact, think back to five years ago....these kind of mega stores didn't know why..becasue WE ARE IN THE FUTURE.COM (High Five)
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