THIS SH** HAD ME DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite line is... "either you have sex with me.....or you have sex with me".... LOL!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I love this picture: Janelle Monae writing new material
This pic was posted on the blog of the wondaland art society, which is home to recording artist Janelle Monae...and above the picture it said... new music coming soon... I love to even get a glimpse of her and creative process... her music is so pure and full of creativity and I look up to her as an artist and as a free spirited person... can't wait for suite II of the Metropolis phenomenon!!!

In my early teen years...vol1: 2 Songs were my favorite
Xzibit's "Papparzi" was probably my favorite beat for a cool two years .... this song is so dope... and he killed these verses.. I can't believe this is considered "old school"
...and Canibus' "Buckingham Palace" was what i referred to as "the Perfect Song" i loved it so much.. this made me tear up listening to brought back so many memories... i knew every word back then... The beat... the verses... the call and response chorus.... everything is crazy... When i wasn't feeling too good.. i'd pop a tape in with this song and everything would be better... this is hip hop around the time it started turning into whatever it is now... people can shit on canibus all they want.... but he embodied what every mc wanted to be at that time...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why the Internet owns the TV: you'd never see a dope concept like this on the "idiot box"
D-Nice's video of "True HipHop Stories: Masta Ace... this is a dope concept ... and I'm loving how he put this together... the quality is second to none...and Masta Ace is dumb nice! The symphony video is underneath
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I love this song... and video
Charles Hamilton "Brooklyn Girls"
this song is so dope... and the video is too
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Am I the only one who gets offended by every McDonalds, Burgerking, and Walmart commercial..?????? watch this's kinda funny how pathetic it is...but this ni**a is singing for chicken!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cadillac Records
Me and Jazziebaby went to go see this movie last weekend and it was so dope!!!!! cinematically it wasn't "RAY" or nothing... but really showed a story that I never knew, and was very straight forward about a lot of issues back when blacks first started bullying their way into radio and showing the world A-Class talent that would soon be stolen from them right along with the royalties.... this movie was great because of the acting.... truthful plot.... and music.... but the story seems very sad almost, similar to almost anything that happened in black history within this country.... I think you should all see it... by the way... Is going to the movies dead??? we went the opening weekend.. and there were like 8 people in the theatre.>????? hmmmmm.... technology... our best friend and worst enemy.... not just effecting the record sales... but box office as well... i bet people have this movie on dvd already anyway.... it's crazy... support the art before they start dressing up cyborgs and musicians as actors and singers for real...... the art is dying.... and no one is noticing this ....
My latest facebook note entitled: 5 year friendship policy? relationships? positivity? & interests
I'm finally going to write a serious note for the fist time...since I'm still on the fence on if I should delete my facebook at the end of the year or not...
1st of all... I'm at a very confusing...yet positive point in my life right now, so don't take this note as me being negative or dark in any way... but I've been thinking a lot...
I've been in NYC for the past few months... "doing me"(whatever that means) and I've been meeting new people...making friendships, or should i correct myself, and say "connections" with people with the same goals and interests as me. Almost once every week... on the bus... in a store... at my place of business up there... but it all makes me think about the people I either grew up with... considered friends... or banged with extremely hard with for years....(one's I'd give an arm and a leg for) and my question is WHAT HAPPENED TO US?? what happened to that undeniable bond between people.... you that bond that we had with music and tv, and school we had at a young age, that you can't get with this new music.... Not for nostalgic reasons...not for trying to relive relationships that are destined to fall apart... but just for reflection purposes I started to wonder why it seems like these relationships end the way they do...
Maybe I changed... Maybe they did.. that's not a bad thing at all... maybe one persons idea of "growing up" is completely different from the others huh?? either way...we all move on... the crazy part is.. and that always has me baffled is... I'm always the one that makes the decision to divide myself from these people... am i wrong? or am i growing in a fashion that doesn't need them in my life anymore?? am i messed up for saying that? these are all good questions.. I don't want to sound like a good person, or care if i sound like a bad one? i'm just a curious person...
Think about your life (which wasn't too long to begin with) think about it in intervals of five years each... I can probably put money on it that... you don't hang out with the people you did five years ago...or date the same guy/girl... and the five years before that...and so on.... it changes almost every five years... why is that?? I guess this convo is directed to the people who are proactive about dropping friends, and moving on... The dominant personalities that probably run the show anyway... is there something that we're craving for that we can't get from those people, or is it just a lack of something???? some people move every five or ten years for it boredom.. or is it just a search for excitement...
HERE'S THE CRAZY PART ABOUT MY SITUATIONS!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? when I finally decide to depart from these lingering relationships with these people that were heavily involved in my life....they NEVER KNOW WHY I LEAVE... these old friends or whatever i call them... they just STOP hearing from me................ some ask "what's wrong", some try and act like every thing's cool and keep trying to hang....some don't say a damn word.... and i guess that's it... The reason I don't say anything is either because I felt disrespected....OR... I've been holding on to these people for so long for all the wrong reasons...that it doesn't even make sense to say "we're not cool anymore" ... i just go...................... just go................ and never say a word...... you know why.......... because deep down.. they knew there was a problem... whether it was my fault or theirs.... people are just not vocal... that's what's wrong with our communities in the first place...
I can say for some... we don't even laugh anymore like we use to... we don't chill....we don't whatever was like that at one point... but some monkey wrenches have been thrown all up in our friendship... and the worst part about it is when... they're OBLIVIOUS... that shows how much they care for the friendship huh... you know....... I feel like a 45 year old who is talking about how his closest 5 friends are at each others throats in court over like a thousand dollars...and i'm looking back at our relationships asking "what happened'... I talk to my mom about this.. and she says that it's crazy that I'm going through this now at 22 because some people have their realizations about friends when they're middle aged.
The crazy part is... I can be just find with like one friend and be just that bad???? or be all by myself..I can entertain myself like nobody's business i tell you.......(old folks talk) but where's the giving and taking in a relationship nowadays... I felt like i was just always giving these people
I was the:
person that would get calls 3am to be the shoulder to cry on... when i had my own problems
letting people borrow money on the drop of a dime
giving rides on the drop of a dime
giving a place to sleep... and my bed... to friends in need
giving advice with peoples family problems.. when i had my own
guiding them to follow their desires (I'm big on that)
helping people fill out college apps and doing their essays and typing them....
the WHOLE 9
but what did I get in return? headaches... nah .... Yah's gotta move on from you people
and hey... I wish you all success, and that you make six figures, have healthy beautiful children and families, and live a satisfying life..... I just can't be apart of it..
I need to be around exciting people... people who..when they walk in a room, you feel their aura... you see them glow..even if they're quiet... something special about that women... or that dude looks like he's interesting.... I need positivity around... not leaches... get my drift.. I got people who WERE old friends... reminiscing and shit around me when they run into me.. like :
remember when we... back in high school
or hey you still go with that girl so and so
and all that sh** ...... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN FUCK the past... if you're still harping on that... you need to set out a new path, with some new cool shit going on in your life that'll top those semi old ass good times that most of us forgot about...
so what if i
went to the (event) with you back in 05
or came to your crib eight thanksgivings ago
or any of that stuff... cause i'm too aware to know that those days are over.... move on...
*just to note...if you're reading this and you fee like I'm speaking of a friendship that we had that fell apart..and you're just now realizing it........ "IT's ABOUT TIME!!!!!!" I'm not an anti social person.... ask the few people that know me... .I got jokes... I chill ... but with some people it just seems like there's a five year plan on friendships and I'm kinda done with that shit....
The few people I'm befriending it limited too??? i don't know....good question... I guess the moral of the story is to just get what you can get of people and then move on.. that's my mind set because it's been done to me for so long.... if you're hanging around someone for:
a ride
some money
a shoulder to cry on
moral support
their possessions .... that's cool....but get it while you can....because if they're smart... they'll notice.......
If you don't:
give a ride once in a while
give them a few dollars when they're hurting
let them tell about how they're feeling from a chance
tell them.... you're a good friend
give them inspiration
give them innovative ideas for once
show them somewhere new and fun to go..... then guess what.... you're a one sided friend and no good for anyone....not even yourself....
((( I'll be surprised if anyone's still reading this blog cause it's so damn long )))
DO YOU KNOW WHO SEEMS TO BE ALMOST THE PERFECT GROUP OF FRIENDS THAT I ENVY AND LOOK UP TO??? (RACHEL, NAKIA, KIM, OKECHI, AND THAT WHOLE GANG) you girls are what i always wanted in a group of friends.... (even if there is one can tell cause you all look like the best of friends when i see it and it seems genuine) you have been good friends for like a decade ... and i admire that... so cool.... almost everyone i use to be spotted with.... I kind of moved on from...and i'm curious if I should feel bad...?? cause i don't...
Think about it people.... are you the giver..... the taker..... in your relationship.... or is it even both ways as a good friendship or boyfriend or girlfriend should be....
If you read this far.... thank you.... I'm just putting my thoughts down... if no one comments.. cool... i did this for releasing my thoughts... Peace Yah2
I'm finally going to write a serious note for the fist time...since I'm still on the fence on if I should delete my facebook at the end of the year or not...
1st of all... I'm at a very confusing...yet positive point in my life right now, so don't take this note as me being negative or dark in any way... but I've been thinking a lot...
I've been in NYC for the past few months... "doing me"(whatever that means) and I've been meeting new people...making friendships, or should i correct myself, and say "connections" with people with the same goals and interests as me. Almost once every week... on the bus... in a store... at my place of business up there... but it all makes me think about the people I either grew up with... considered friends... or banged with extremely hard with for years....(one's I'd give an arm and a leg for) and my question is WHAT HAPPENED TO US?? what happened to that undeniable bond between people.... you that bond that we had with music and tv, and school we had at a young age, that you can't get with this new music.... Not for nostalgic reasons...not for trying to relive relationships that are destined to fall apart... but just for reflection purposes I started to wonder why it seems like these relationships end the way they do...
Maybe I changed... Maybe they did.. that's not a bad thing at all... maybe one persons idea of "growing up" is completely different from the others huh?? either way...we all move on... the crazy part is.. and that always has me baffled is... I'm always the one that makes the decision to divide myself from these people... am i wrong? or am i growing in a fashion that doesn't need them in my life anymore?? am i messed up for saying that? these are all good questions.. I don't want to sound like a good person, or care if i sound like a bad one? i'm just a curious person...
Think about your life (which wasn't too long to begin with) think about it in intervals of five years each... I can probably put money on it that... you don't hang out with the people you did five years ago...or date the same guy/girl... and the five years before that...and so on.... it changes almost every five years... why is that?? I guess this convo is directed to the people who are proactive about dropping friends, and moving on... The dominant personalities that probably run the show anyway... is there something that we're craving for that we can't get from those people, or is it just a lack of something???? some people move every five or ten years for it boredom.. or is it just a search for excitement...
HERE'S THE CRAZY PART ABOUT MY SITUATIONS!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? when I finally decide to depart from these lingering relationships with these people that were heavily involved in my life....they NEVER KNOW WHY I LEAVE... these old friends or whatever i call them... they just STOP hearing from me................ some ask "what's wrong", some try and act like every thing's cool and keep trying to hang....some don't say a damn word.... and i guess that's it... The reason I don't say anything is either because I felt disrespected....OR... I've been holding on to these people for so long for all the wrong reasons...that it doesn't even make sense to say "we're not cool anymore" ... i just go...................... just go................ and never say a word...... you know why.......... because deep down.. they knew there was a problem... whether it was my fault or theirs.... people are just not vocal... that's what's wrong with our communities in the first place...
I can say for some... we don't even laugh anymore like we use to... we don't chill....we don't whatever was like that at one point... but some monkey wrenches have been thrown all up in our friendship... and the worst part about it is when... they're OBLIVIOUS... that shows how much they care for the friendship huh... you know....... I feel like a 45 year old who is talking about how his closest 5 friends are at each others throats in court over like a thousand dollars...and i'm looking back at our relationships asking "what happened'... I talk to my mom about this.. and she says that it's crazy that I'm going through this now at 22 because some people have their realizations about friends when they're middle aged.
The crazy part is... I can be just find with like one friend and be just that bad???? or be all by myself..I can entertain myself like nobody's business i tell you.......(old folks talk) but where's the giving and taking in a relationship nowadays... I felt like i was just always giving these people
I was the:
person that would get calls 3am to be the shoulder to cry on... when i had my own problems
letting people borrow money on the drop of a dime
giving rides on the drop of a dime
giving a place to sleep... and my bed... to friends in need
giving advice with peoples family problems.. when i had my own
guiding them to follow their desires (I'm big on that)
helping people fill out college apps and doing their essays and typing them....
the WHOLE 9
but what did I get in return? headaches... nah .... Yah's gotta move on from you people
and hey... I wish you all success, and that you make six figures, have healthy beautiful children and families, and live a satisfying life..... I just can't be apart of it..
I need to be around exciting people... people who..when they walk in a room, you feel their aura... you see them glow..even if they're quiet... something special about that women... or that dude looks like he's interesting.... I need positivity around... not leaches... get my drift.. I got people who WERE old friends... reminiscing and shit around me when they run into me.. like :
remember when we... back in high school
or hey you still go with that girl so and so
and all that sh** ...... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN FUCK the past... if you're still harping on that... you need to set out a new path, with some new cool shit going on in your life that'll top those semi old ass good times that most of us forgot about...
so what if i
went to the (event) with you back in 05
or came to your crib eight thanksgivings ago
or any of that stuff... cause i'm too aware to know that those days are over.... move on...
*just to note...if you're reading this and you fee like I'm speaking of a friendship that we had that fell apart..and you're just now realizing it........ "IT's ABOUT TIME!!!!!!" I'm not an anti social person.... ask the few people that know me... .I got jokes... I chill ... but with some people it just seems like there's a five year plan on friendships and I'm kinda done with that shit....
The few people I'm befriending it limited too??? i don't know....good question... I guess the moral of the story is to just get what you can get of people and then move on.. that's my mind set because it's been done to me for so long.... if you're hanging around someone for:
a ride
some money
a shoulder to cry on
moral support
their possessions .... that's cool....but get it while you can....because if they're smart... they'll notice.......
If you don't:
give a ride once in a while
give them a few dollars when they're hurting
let them tell about how they're feeling from a chance
tell them.... you're a good friend
give them inspiration
give them innovative ideas for once
show them somewhere new and fun to go..... then guess what.... you're a one sided friend and no good for anyone....not even yourself....
((( I'll be surprised if anyone's still reading this blog cause it's so damn long )))
DO YOU KNOW WHO SEEMS TO BE ALMOST THE PERFECT GROUP OF FRIENDS THAT I ENVY AND LOOK UP TO??? (RACHEL, NAKIA, KIM, OKECHI, AND THAT WHOLE GANG) you girls are what i always wanted in a group of friends.... (even if there is one can tell cause you all look like the best of friends when i see it and it seems genuine) you have been good friends for like a decade ... and i admire that... so cool.... almost everyone i use to be spotted with.... I kind of moved on from...and i'm curious if I should feel bad...?? cause i don't...
Think about it people.... are you the giver..... the taker..... in your relationship.... or is it even both ways as a good friendship or boyfriend or girlfriend should be....
If you read this far.... thank you.... I'm just putting my thoughts down... if no one comments.. cool... i did this for releasing my thoughts... Peace Yah2
Saturday, December 6, 2008
One of my favorite hip hop songs ever......
THIS MAN "Pharoah Monch" WAS ...and still is a genius....
If you've never heard Pharoah's first...critically accaimed album... Internal Affairs...please go buy it... and his newest one "Desire" that I still haven't picked up.... Rummaging through my dusty cassette rack and finding this album... I pop it into a little tape recorder and listened to it while I was shaving a few days ago.... it was a real nostalgic feeling, because this alum to me reminds me of walking into the highschool, fresh off the bus, with my green bookbag, headphones, afro, and didn't care about A N Y T H I N G.....but rap music... I loved who i was and wasn't ashamed of it... this album is one of many scenes throughout my early teenage days... one of my favorite records on this album was "THE LIGHT"... it's probably one of the best songs I've ever heard (in my list of my 1 million favorite songs lol) I love it.... Check the video, and step into my pad...
It was produced by Diamond of my favorite producers at the time... (best producer/M.C. hands down before Kanye came along)
I bought this tape off of "Flow" for $5.... best five bucks I've ever spent.... and I still have it... music is timeless...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
www.Ican' Common's Universal Mind Control
Common is my favorite M.C... and no matter what he decides to put out I'm supporting him (like I do Kanye's music)... People have been ishing on him because he wants to put out feel good driven music/dance music instead of emotion/lyric driven music...hey... "Be" was his greatest achievement to be pushed back to the forefront... it made him important..we fell in love with every song, beat, line.... then...he didn't break the formula...did another entire album with kanye and dilla's soul beats and inquired about black plight, love, uplifting the community, dreams, and humanity... TWO albums in a row... same formula... "Finding Forever" is "Be's" cousin... so why would you want a creative artist to put out ANOTHER album in the same vein... Be pt. 3????? the Carter 3???? no sir...not for Com... I'm supporting this album (i'm sad the whole thing leaked the net...but that proves people still like him) Peace.... by the way... I LIKE ELECTRIC CIRCIS ALBUM!!!!!!!!! take that!!!!
peep this song off of Common's yet to be released 8th album.. it's called "Inhale" it's pretty sick.. (by the way....his album cover is quite hot this time around)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Black People in Entertainment...not just Black Entertainers
Do you know why I hate telling older people that I make music... Let alone hip hop music..?? Because everyone my age who is a black male does rap music...? I (like everyone else) feel like I'm unique and exceptionally good at what I do... but I want to know... why is it that we're(blacks) always on one side of the spectrum... We're consumers.... or .... wanting to be the main attraction... as children... all we want to be is A movie star, rap star, famous singer, famous dancer, VJ, DJ, Radio Personality, something similar to these things... #1... it is NOT EASY to become or maintain those positions in the first place (that was for young people) #2... Who told everyone that they had to be these things...why do we worship them so much...and #3 did you every think about the machine working behind the scenes that make these people who they are?????????????????? As children, black kids are told... be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher or business major in college.. entertainer... that's all.. there's so in between... If I knew that there were "degree in Screen Writing for television" or "degree for film production" or "audio technology/engineering" degrees when i was younger, i would've been that much more motivated in high school... Why is it that we don't know these things...or even think hmmm? how was that song made, or movie created, or who's controlling what we're hearing on the radio???? we don't think these things....I know that most people think entertainment is a trivial field to be in... But it's probably just as important as the guy doing open heart surgery... honestly... How do we find out current how do we find out about products we need....commercials, newspapers, product placement.... how are we able to see a live feed video of the president speaking from the other side of the world....huh??? Why do we play our favorite songs and movies when we're feeling down, or when we're in a good mood?? (music is the heart beat to everything) Without it we'd be nothing... The point is... African Americans need to see that there are so many things you can do besides wanting to be the star all the GD time...c'mon people... There are people trying to steal everything from us on the low and not give us any credit....don't believe me
- There are only like 3 black sitcoms left on the planet (i miss the 90's)
- People are playing "our" music and calling them crossover stations...
- all of a sudden Joss Stone and Amy Winehouse are singing "SOUL MUSIC"
- the Best Rhythm and Blues artists are Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke
- They can name my ancestors "nigger" then dictate who can use the word in entertainment or not (i.e. Nas' last album title)
(((I've got thousands of these)))
There are some black directors, some black producers and so on... Jay-z and Diddy are hundred millionaires...yes... but who controls the airwaves?? who does the final clearances so movies can be played in american?? who owns radio towers, tv stations, record labels, film studios, and an even better question.... Who doesn't?
I'm not racist...I watch Superbad, American Pies, Japanese Anime, manga, Lord of the Rings... Chronicles of Narnia...I listen to Panic at the disco, New Found Glory, Radiohead... and so on, on top of the black entertainment i watch...whatever's good is good to me..
But remember, the next time your ride through our neighborhood and see the 20 chinese stores, 10 korean nail and hair places, indian owned dunkin doughnuts and subways, arab owned gas stations/corner stores/and chicken shacks, Fast food joints filled with working Mexicans, Amish farmers markets, Greek gyro spots, Italian food restaurants............................................................ What do WE have? all the ills in the community.. drugs, teenage parents, broken homes and families... We can't even own anything in our communities... and the ones that do good, just follow the brainwashing criteria that was given in our wack ass high schools that have limited knowledge..."Go be a lawyer" or some dumb shit.. Guidance councelors should be chosen way better than they have...tell the kids who's good with building how to become an independent contractor and not a english major (which he'll quit in a years tops) tell the kid who's creative that he can get diploma's, certificates, or degrees in photography or digital filmmaking... and finally ((here's my point... Tell the kids who are into entertainment, that there's a world of cool ass careers out there and that they can still rap, sing, act, or whatever and still be in the field...might even be a step through the back door...))!!! Either way Black People...we have to want to be SOMETHING... not just consumers or superstars...not just poor or rich.... not just working a 9 to 5 we hate or childhood dreams... there are in betweens to all of these things.... make an avenue for yourself... help control entertainment so we won't become obscure in at least the only shallow thing we're known for... Get into tv, radio, movies....put more of our beautiful faces on the screens, and voices on the radio... we have to do it because no one else will... Jay-z and all the other black million and billionaires still don't have their own radio towers,film studios, and etc. with the exception of a few (the lady who made tvone) c'mon people... if we control entertainment and the airways... we can help show the truth...the true artists, real singers, real-unbiased news, get with it!!!! ((sorry i had to vent and have been wanting to blog this since forever)) **applaud that young black face at the top of the page in a studio control room, engineering something important.... I'ma holla at y'all and all that chocolatey goodness.... Peace Yah
...speaking of singers...Top 5 Female Singers I'd kill to Work With... in any order :)
Marsha Ambrosius:
Every time I hear this woman sing... it's like...she has a soothing voice....but it has some edge to it.... when she does riffs and hits certain notes with her voice...I always think...NO ONE SOUNDS LIKE HER!!! it's a unique sound and she damn sure has soul.... not NEO SOUL...I hate that term.... she's the shit!!! and i shook her hand!!! so joe.. :)
Yummi Bingham:
Speaking of distinct voices....Yummi Bingham probably has THE most distinct voice out of the singers i'm naming.... she'd probably be my first pick to work with because I haven't heard her sing on anyone's record in YEARS... her voice is so cute....not cute like...hold a note and probably should be singing at home cute...but it's so BRIGHT and the tone is almost like a child''s sweet.... for the majority of the songs i heard her on (De la soul records) she'd pop up towards the end and enhance the song by thousands.... she's re-dic-u-lous... not to mention nice to look at.... WE NEED YOU YUMMI... I hope you're still singing....
One of the most underrated singer of my generation... people sleep on her... she's Moesha to many...but a talented vocalist to me... (if you're not convinced that she was hot in her early years..go buy afrodisiac and see that she has it and STILL DOES) **note to self - - tell jazzie we have to see her perform live** Brandy's voice is smooth...but it's almost raspy....just a makes it sweet sounding but when she hits low notes it sounds full and alive... I love brandy... I talk about her voice often, not just for this blog...
Janelle Monae:
This woman ... just flat out stands out because of her creativity... When she sings ballads it reminds of me of a soulful voice from back in the day....but since she's so creative and sings upbeat, hold - on - to - your - seat music from the future and really gives a new meaning to old school meets new school...Her lyrics first of all...are almost SECOND TO NONE.... and when she sings it makes me really imagine her on stage giving off all that intensity that's heavily lacking in recordings these days... Aliens.... outer space... a human voice .... with an imagination from out of this world..... I love this woman's music!!!! can't wait for suite II. probably the coolest artist i chose....look at her pic.. so dope.... so fly!!!
Jazmine Sullivan:
She's so sick that I have to post a video to explain.... just listen
NUFF SAID!!!!!!(high fives to all who heard this version before)
I'm BACK... even though nobody reads my blog lol
This is absolutely my favorite song... and what a shame that it was unreleased... this track was suppose to be on the "Ear Drum" album.. which was super duper awesome...go buy it.. (i couldn't get passed the first track "everything man" ....sick... anyway.... this is one of my favorit records right now.. it's Talib Kweli feat Marsha (her voice is so lovely) Ambrotious and the song is called "Take it back".... John Legend fans peep the same sample as "Another Again"... I like both of the records.....TALIB KILLED IT!!! Living Legend...I look up to him.... it sounds corny... but the truth
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