Saturday, August 2, 2008

Movie of the MOMENT!!!! I'm super late!!!!

This movie is probably one of my new favorite films... Apolcolypto is amazing... Very graphic, vulgar, and hard to watch on certain scenes if you're screamish, but you have to appreciate the authenticity of how real this film is... If Mel Gibson pumps another one of these flicks out, he'll probably be my favorite movie director, because with this one alone, artisticly, I don't think he can top this one...or anyone else for that matter.... yup, that's how good it is... I know I'm a bit late with seeing this movie.. But hey, the movies are 10 bucks, 20 if you're treating someone, and I'm tired of seeing wack movies and paying :).. But i wish i did see this one in the movies... that's why people have to take RISKS and try movies out.... music too... with albums...stop downloading all these damn movies and these people, because an entire cast worked hard as hell to put together a peice of work for you and your dumb ass to fill up theatre seats..SO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yaya turns on a bootleg dvd) LOL!


Anonymous said...

it was on OnDemand a couple months ago...does that count as free??

Anonymous said...

finally watched this movie...sickkkkkkkkkk!