Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TV vs INTERNET part ONE: 30 Rock ladies and gentlemen

If you know me personally you know that I think that the Wire is probably "THE GREATEST SHOW TO EVER BE SHOW ON TELEVISION...EVER"... second to the Cosby show, and the Simpsons is somewhere up there in that list....  (scroll down) 
Now...I've been a huge advocate of the internet and why it's been destroying tv so bad in the past years... but whenever tv does something great... I'll have to post what I found... NOW.... I've found another excellent show. 30 ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this show is the best!!... look I know it's been out for a while now and won numerous awards and all that chocolatey goodness.... but i was on "One of my favorite video sharing sites...that will remain nameless" and i watched one of the episodes of 30 rock just to check it out... and i loved everything about it... 
- Tina Faye is a genius for creating this show... and hilarious
- Tracey Morgan has always been one of my favorite comedians, all the way 
back to the Martin days 
- The cast is so well put together.... Alec  Baldwin is now one of my favorite actors because of this show 
- The show is realistic and the atmosphere is very inviting 
- I like the whole idea of it being the behind the scenes of a NBC show, and the show is an NBC show.....!! who came up with that!!!!!!! so creative.. 

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