Monday, August 18, 2008

Happiness... Go Get Some...

There's a sickness going around called "Being Miserable"... I was a victim of this for a while...(still slip in from time to time) but I came to the realization, that I couldn't do that sh**... I had a long conversation with a friend of mine today, and I can hear the stress and cry for help in her voice... People "wish" for things to be better, they "hope" ... they sit back and don't do anything about it... Hey, I don't have all the answers, and I don't know everything (if it seems like I'm coming off like this, in this blog) but... nothing is going to change without stepping out of your routine... If you're boyfriend is treating you like ish, if you're relationship with your family is falling apart, if you have dreams that seem out of reach... you HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.... If anything, at the least, take yourself out of your routine, do something new, go somewhere you've never been, do something unconventional to your routine...You might find somebody new, get a new idea for something because you're in a new environment and seen something that you never did, you might even stumble across a bag full of cash...who knows, the point is....if something is that something about it...If you don't like the way you look(this applies to me) change least try, even if you don't reach your goal, you'll have better results trying then just talking... Honestly, I had to step out of my comfort zone and do a few things that I was shaky about, and found happiness in a woman that I remet later in life... I had to remove myself from an environment that I hated, so I could live with the fact that I had to make my own decisions in life, and that it's mine and nobody elses... the point is clear... Happiness, Love, and good memories are all that we have in this life (at least in my opinion) Don't let the time fly by and you look up and you spent ten years feeling like crap and not doing anything about it... Feel good.... get a hobby, laugh, smile, go on dates, practice your craft with passion, hug your loved ones, when you kiss someone do it with the excitement because you love them and not just because it's the millionth time... We don't know if cancer can sneak up on us next year, or what year a loved one will become ill... Time is the most precious thing we have next to our faith, health, and family(if you love them) make sure it's not being spent in unwanted, unneccessary predicaments and problems... Peace... Yaya(RealNameNoGimic)

P.S. There are people that are born blind or with mental ailments, or are in 3rd World countries... you weren't (so smile...and be greatful)

1 comment:

OhSoSirius said...

Bro, this is possibly the best post you have! I really needed to read this, thank you!