Thursday, June 19, 2008

Douchebag Time part one: Hobbies...or lack of one

So... If you checked my wishlist you'd see that I finally got my dbz season five dvd... (this is how the story starts) so, I'm at a house watching the dvd..all into it and shit...cause i just got off work, and wanted to enjoy something that's been apart of me since I was young... Douchebag comes in and sits, and starts making comments like "I'm too old to be watching to this shit... y'all too old to be watching this.." ??????????? So naturally I get annoyed super duper fast... the only thing that I shot back at him was "What does a person our age watch...or SUPPOSE to watch"? He had no answer...of course... I asked about four more times...still no I got upset kinda easily, but isn't that wrong to bash someones personal hobbies or things they love... in their house at that... I think some people don't have any HOBBIES or PERSONALITY of their own, therefore they have to criticize other peoles intrestest, because their either to dull to have their own, or too afraid to show what they're really interested in because tney'd be criticized too... I've always been different, so i'm use to this, but I'd think as an adult people would respect your things... I Have the solution, Maybe if I forced myself to drink liquor that didn't taste good to me, got high off of drugs that I don't even know where they came from, or bought cars and clothes that all my friends did just to please them...then finally I wouldn't be critiqued on what i should like at the age of 22, because someone has already told me exactly what to like or dislike... People.... don't be a Douchebag like this young man... let people be themeselves and get off their d**k please... thank you..

1 comment:

BDot: The Inspirmentalist said...

Yea whoever that was needs to be smacked. i love dbz fam