Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3rd Entry of "The Most Beautifulest thing in the World...Just like that"....

Ok....so I haven't done one of these in a minute so i decided to go back to the old format of doing my blogs....and what better than to start back up with a pretty lady..... (clears throat) ladies and gentlemen...One of the banginest woman I've ever seen in my entire life Saki Aibu... I'm sure unless you follow what goes on in Japan than you probably don't know who she is...Aibu is a huge television star in Japan... Somehow I came across her work, and for the most part I've noticed that she's most known for her lighthearted commercials...selling everything from icecream to bikes... With those dimples, smile, and innocent/michievious face she has to be one of the most beautiful women on the planet... As soon as i seen her I had to find out who she was and everything...Not only is she known for her many commercials, but she has done about three movies, and worked on hit soap opreas/dramas on tv... She's only a year older than me...and let me say...I need to stop slacking on my Nihongo cause if i EVER see her in real life I want to be able to say SOMETHING..... All i have to say is..........She's SO BAD!!!!!....

Monday, March 24, 2008

HANDS DOWN THE HOTTEST SONG OUT !!!!!!!! try and challenge me if you dare


Friday, March 21, 2008

From the Studio to the Stage 1.0: Gnarls Barkley

ok ok ok...When i critique an artist, one of the first things i say is that, a great artists' live show should always be better than the studio recording....The great thing about Gnarls Barkley is...not only is there performance way way better than the original tracks, but they completely change everything about the song, use different instruments that aren't in the original, change the tempo to an extreme, and the adlibs and back up singers makes it that much better... now I got two tracks, same song...see what i'm talking about....Transformer....then Transformer Live.... this is nuts!!!!!!!!

I know i know...your welcome....cause thats just rediculously HOT and all that chocolatey goodness ..... Peace!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen....Janelle Monae! ....you are now watching a master at work..

Ok Ok Ok...let me tell ya'll something about this little lady...her music...Genius...lyrics....great... style... sharp... I was just recently introduced to Janelle's music (thanks jazzie) and i was blown away...I now have her Metropolis Suite I: the chase... The album's concept is about a runaway android woman named Cindi Maywether who changed the world with her singing, who fell in love with a human, and is now in line to be destroyed for breaking the law... i know..really sci-fi kinda feeling..Its crazy..not only is she talented, but it doesn't hurt that she's pretty and dresses pretty nicely if you ask me...I seen clips of her performing, and she gives her all...jumping up and down...and using ever bit of energy in her body..... This concept/story was split into four suites, with the first being released alreay...and it will soon be rereleased under BADBOY, which is her new partnership..(i know, thats a big step for them) it will be rereleased with suiteI and suiteII added, to make a full length album... what will happen to Cindi Mayweather next????? If you want to see her earlier work, check out a few tracks on Outkast's last LP/Soundtrack Idlewild..she was on Morris Brown...and a few others.. check her out at www.myspace.com/janellemonae her music is GREAT!!! so spread the word.. and all that chocolatey goodness... Peace... Yah....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Picture is worth a Thousand Words according to YaYa: Throwback YaYa & DJ Supa (Yahya and Yasin) (click pic to enlarge)

ok ok ok ok .....listen... this picture is hilarious.... my brothers has on booty shorts and my tube sox or horrible....still, you gotta love pics like this....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen..the most SOULFUL beat on the planet right now!!!!!

Lil Wayne feat Baby Face.....produced by Kanye West.."Comfortable"....this Bass line IS SOOOOOO SICK when it comes in... the hook is so smooth and pretty....and oh yeah...lil wayne didn't do too bad either....

I'm BACK!!!!!

ok...so i just got back from Virginia last night... It was the birthday weekend of a friend of mine..and i wanted to go down there and celebrate... To me...it was a nice weekend..or should i say day and a half...The Air and Space museum in hampton was pretty cool...I haven't been to a museum in a MINUTE...and the movie Semi-pro was "F"ing hilarious... Overall i think i did pretty well trying to hide my joeness from this birthday person, although i am super clumsy, spilling juice after being in the house for two seconds...but its all good.. question..? Is it weird to smile at someone for no reason? hope not....cause i did that sh** all weekend... Peace ...and all that chocolatey goodness...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

YaYa's discovery of rediculousness Part ONE!

THIS IS EFFing SICK!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to get back to my MP.... (sigh)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My favorite movie of all time...Back to the future...and the entire trilogy..

If you know me personall you already know that hands down my favorite movie EVER is back to the future.... not only were the special effects superior for 1985 but the plot was so genius and well thought out.... everytime i watch till' this day...i notice something new check the original trailor....
Me personally,I think the first one is the best, but its not surprising why a lot of people lean more towards Part II, beacause of the trip to the future and more special effects and everything....well............i might change my mind...its almost a tie for part I and II since they fit together so well...Now....i've also noticed that people bash the Third installment and say that going back to the "wild west" was lame and all that...I disagree....creative minds know, that when makinga new project or adding on to a masterpeice, you don't want to scare away the core fans, but you don't want to do the same damn movie AGAIN, so you do somehting different, which brought them to the old west....i loved it and thought it was a great ending.....These movies are so great Robert Zemeckis, Robert Gale, and Steven Speilberg.....Thank you...... The central theme of the next musical project i put together will be heavily based on the "Back to the future" theme......until next blog...Peace

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Uncle Shoobee!!!! I Finally got my hands on your music!!!!!

So...I've been hearing about my Late Uncle Shoobee's music since i was born...and ifinally get to hear it!....i'm too excited...My uncle Gary told me to go down into the trophy case in his office and i found them... So, what i'm gonna do is take these albums home and take them to the studio and get them converted into cd's..Of course i'm going to sample something off of these records and turn it into my own thing... I can't wait...that is so dope!! My uncle Reginald Jerome Fields better known as "the Real Shoobee Doo" played from the Detroit Music scene to over seas in Europe... He mostly played the bass but he also wrote, produced, and performed his own records. Sounds familiar huh...lol i guess its all in the family...I'm just amazed to have in my hands something like this that a family member of mine made.. I was only 3 yrs old when he passed...but i remember him playing the guitar for me and my brother and singing us songs, he use to call us Zoobaroos lol...ya'll remember that!? We love you uncle Shoobee...."THE REAL SHOOBEE DOO" and i can't wait to get home and listen to your music... (and i'm gonna get my hands on my Uncle Yahya's records too) this is a quick pick of my uncle Shoobee and Muhammad Ali....crazy right?..... Peace love and all that chocolatey goodness....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Enjoying Atlanta and my Uncle...But.....

Hey hey... Doesn't it suck when you're far away.... yeah it does....BUT.....i always say....If you're never away....then you'll never know what it feels like to miss someone or something....you know.... right now i wanna go to the movies with my sister...or...watch jeopardy with my dad... have a "Black talk" with my mother... see someone i've been waiting to see....chop up a sample...make a beat... its all good tho....because the best part about missing someone is the return.....its that much sweeter.... Peace....and all that chocolatey goodnes...... until i return...