Tuesday, December 2, 2008

...speaking of singers...Top 5 Female Singers I'd kill to Work With... in any order :)

Marsha Ambrosius:
Every time I hear this woman sing... it's like...she has a soothing voice....but it has some edge to it.... when she does riffs and hits certain notes with her voice...I always think...NO ONE SOUNDS LIKE HER!!! it's a unique sound and she damn sure has soul.... not NEO SOUL...I hate that term.... she's the shit!!! and i shook her hand!!! so joe.. :) 

Yummi Bingham:
Speaking of distinct voices....Yummi Bingham probably has THE most distinct voice out of the singers i'm naming.... she'd probably be my first pick to work with because I haven't heard her sing on anyone's record in YEARS... her voice is so cute....not cute like...hold a note and probably should be singing at home cute...but it's so BRIGHT and the tone is almost like a child's....it's sweet.... for the majority of the songs i heard her on (De la soul records) she'd pop up towards the end and enhance the song by thousands.... she's re-dic-u-lous... not to mention nice to look at.... WE NEED YOU YUMMI... I hope you're still singing.... 

One of the most underrated singer of my generation... people sleep on her... she's Moesha to many...but a talented vocalist to me... (if you're not convinced that she was hot in her early years..go buy afrodisiac and see that she has it and STILL DOES) **note to self - - tell jazzie we have to see her perform live** Brandy's voice is smooth...but it's almost raspy....just a tad...it makes it sweet sounding but when she hits low notes it sounds full and alive... I love brandy... I talk about her voice often, not just for this blog... 

Janelle Monae: 
This woman ... just flat out stands out because of her creativity... When she sings ballads it reminds of me of a soulful voice from back in the day....but since she's so creative and sings upbeat, hold - on - to - your - seat music from the future and beyond...it really gives a new meaning to old school meets new school...Her lyrics first of all...are almost SECOND TO NONE.... and when she sings it makes me really imagine her on stage giving off all that intensity that's heavily lacking in recordings these days... Aliens.... outer space... a human voice .... with an imagination from out of this world..... I love this woman's music!!!! can't wait for suite II. probably the coolest artist i chose....look at her pic.. so dope.... so fly!!! 

Jazmine Sullivan: 
She's so sick that I have to post a video to explain.... just listen

NUFF SAID!!!!!!(high fives to all who heard this version before)


Jazzie said...

Yery good choices sir. I have to agree with just about all of them. I can see you working with them all. I have to hear more of Yummy's work but I do like her voice.

Jazzie said...

p.s. I saw your note to self..... I'd like that very much :-) (muahahaha... that was my evil laugh)