Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Black People in Entertainment...not just Black Entertainers

Do you know why I hate telling older people that I make music... Let alone hip hop music..?? Because everyone my age who is a black male does rap music...? I (like everyone else) feel like I'm unique and exceptionally good at what I do... but I want to know... why is it that we're(blacks) always on one side of the spectrum... We're consumers.... or .... wanting to be the main attraction... as children... all we want to be is A movie star, rap star, famous singer, famous dancer, VJ, DJ, Radio Personality, something similar to these things...  #1... it is NOT EASY to become or maintain those positions in the first place (that was for young people) #2... Who told everyone that they had to be these things...why do we worship them so much...and #3 did you every think about the machine working behind the scenes that make these people who they are?????????????????? As children, black kids are told... be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher or business major in college.. entertainer... that's all.. there's so in between... If I knew that there were "degree in Screen Writing for television" or "degree for film production" or "audio technology/engineering" degrees when i was younger, i would've been that much more motivated in high school... Why is it that we don't know these things...or even think hmmm? how was that song made, or movie created, or who's controlling what we're hearing on the radio???? we don't think these things....I know that most people think entertainment is a trivial field to be in... But it's probably just as important as the guy doing open heart surgery... honestly... How do we find out current events.....news...tv...radio... how do we find out about products we need....commercials, newspapers, product placement.... how are we able to see a live feed video of the president speaking from the other side of the world....huh??? Why do we play our favorite songs and movies when we're feeling down, or when we're in a good mood?? (music is the heart beat to everything) Without it we'd be nothing... The point is... African Americans need to see that there are so many things you can do besides wanting to be the star all the GD time...c'mon people... There are people trying to steal everything from us on the low and not give us any credit....don't believe me
- There are only like 3 black sitcoms left on the planet (i miss the 90's)
- People are playing "our" music and calling them crossover stations... 
- all of a sudden Joss Stone and Amy Winehouse are singing "SOUL MUSIC" 
- the Best Rhythm and Blues artists are Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke
- They can name my ancestors "nigger" then dictate who can use the word in entertainment or not (i.e. Nas' last album title) 
(((I've got thousands of these)))
There are some black directors, some black producers and so on... Jay-z and Diddy are hundred millionaires...yes... but who controls the airwaves?? who does the final clearances so movies can be played in american?? who owns radio towers, tv stations, record labels, film studios, and an even better question.... Who doesn't?
I'm not racist...I watch Superbad, American Pies, Japanese Anime, manga, Lord of the Rings... Chronicles of Narnia...I listen to Panic at the disco, New Found Glory, Radiohead... and so on, on top of the black entertainment i watch...whatever's good is good to me.. 
But remember, the next time your ride through our neighborhood and see the 20 chinese stores, 10 korean nail and hair places, indian owned dunkin doughnuts and subways, arab owned gas stations/corner stores/and chicken shacks, Fast food joints filled with working Mexicans, Amish farmers markets, Greek gyro spots, Italian food restaurants............................................................ What do WE have? all the ills in the community.. drugs, teenage parents, broken homes and families... We can't even own anything in our communities... and the ones that do good, just follow the brainwashing criteria that was given in our wack ass high schools that have limited knowledge..."Go be a lawyer" or some dumb shit.. Guidance councelors should be chosen way better than they have...tell the kids who's good with building how to become an independent contractor and not a english major (which he'll quit in a years tops) tell the kid who's creative that he can get diploma's, certificates, or degrees in photography or digital filmmaking... and finally ((here's my point... Tell the kids who are into entertainment, that there's a world of cool ass careers out there and that they can still rap, sing, act, or whatever and still be in the field...might even be a step through the back door...))!!!  Either way Black People...we have to want to be SOMETHING... not just consumers or superstars...not just poor or rich.... not just working a 9 to 5 we hate or childhood dreams... there are in betweens to all of these things.... make an avenue for yourself... help control entertainment so we won't become obscure in at least the only shallow thing we're known for... Get into tv, radio, movies....put more of our beautiful faces on the screens, and voices on the radio... we have to do it because no one else will... Jay-z and all the other black million and billionaires still don't have their own radio towers,film studios, and etc. with the exception of a few (the lady who made tvone) c'mon people... if we control entertainment and the airways... we can help show the truth...the true artists, real singers, real-unbiased news, get with it!!!! ((sorry i had to vent and have been wanting to blog this since forever)) **applaud that young black face at the top of the page in a studio control room, engineering something important.... I'ma holla at y'all and all that chocolatey goodness.... Peace   Yah


Jazzie said...

WoW Babe. Good post. I concur. We need to learn that being a StAr is not the only avenue for success or happiness.

Anonymous said...

Obama did it for us! There is a bailout for the people. Everyone qualifies. I got $750,000.00USD in grants for my bailout.

Bailout for the People