Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pep talk with myself

trying to stay in a good mood while the whether kicks my ass every morning is a task, trying to stay in a good mood while I personally try to deal with things in my mind... trying to stay in a good mood around people who aren't... trying to stay in a good mood while thinking back on regrettable mistakes... trying to stay in a good mood while annoyances and naysayers are effectively agitating you... trying to stay in a good mood while physically feeling uncomfortable from day to day... trying to stay in a good mood trying to love and trust to your best abilities without any hesitations.... trying to stay in a good mood while trying to stay in a good mood is... HARD........... but ... the fact that you(I) still try... Shows that you'll never be taken out of that good mood or the road to it... happiness is only an arms length for me... I'm not fully there yet, but I can taste it...

know what you want without compromising your beliefs 
set goals (no matter how farfetched they may seem) and work towards them
know that life is short and every waking second can't be waisted 
love like you've never loved before... choose cautiously (the L word can fuck up everything if you let it(that's directed to misguided women)
love yourself... I don't... but I will... 
no one is more important than yourself...your family is important, but you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life... you might be in love, but can you love yourself... 
no one else can be a burden to you, but you...

Be creative, because once you lose your creativity, you lose your lively hood, then you lose your ambition to do anything to it's full capacity.. after your class, workshop, 9 to 5, date , or whatever, put aside at least a few minutes to be creative, or at least think or daydream creatively...Keep your drawings, doodles, poems, model space ships, puzzles, or paper cranes... put them away until the next brilliant moment you have, you can even keep it a secret...  

I was just on a roll typing my thoughts, just letting whoever know if this blog seems odd.... Peace love and all that chocolatey goodness.... (haven't said that in a while) - Yah2


Jazzie said...


BDot: The Inspirmentalist said...

that's real talk my high school i use to rollerblade and practice martial arts and my freshmen year of college i started making beats and that i'm a graduate i can focus on it fulltime.

keep doing your thing man,
