Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pep talk with myself

trying to stay in a good mood while the whether kicks my ass every morning is a task, trying to stay in a good mood while I personally try to deal with things in my mind... trying to stay in a good mood around people who aren't... trying to stay in a good mood while thinking back on regrettable mistakes... trying to stay in a good mood while annoyances and naysayers are effectively agitating you... trying to stay in a good mood while physically feeling uncomfortable from day to day... trying to stay in a good mood trying to love and trust to your best abilities without any hesitations.... trying to stay in a good mood while trying to stay in a good mood is... HARD........... but ... the fact that you(I) still try... Shows that you'll never be taken out of that good mood or the road to it... happiness is only an arms length for me... I'm not fully there yet, but I can taste it...

know what you want without compromising your beliefs 
set goals (no matter how farfetched they may seem) and work towards them
know that life is short and every waking second can't be waisted 
love like you've never loved before... choose cautiously (the L word can fuck up everything if you let it(that's directed to misguided women)
love yourself... I don't... but I will... 
no one is more important than yourself...your family is important, but you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life... you might be in love, but can you love yourself... 
no one else can be a burden to you, but you...

Be creative, because once you lose your creativity, you lose your lively hood, then you lose your ambition to do anything to it's full capacity.. after your class, workshop, 9 to 5, date , or whatever, put aside at least a few minutes to be creative, or at least think or daydream creatively...Keep your drawings, doodles, poems, model space ships, puzzles, or paper cranes... put them away until the next brilliant moment you have, you can even keep it a secret...  

I was just on a roll typing my thoughts, just letting whoever know if this blog seems odd.... Peace love and all that chocolatey goodness.... (haven't said that in a while) - Yah2

Monday, October 27, 2008

Japanese game show silent library...hilarious

This clip is super old, there are even newer ones online, but this one never gets old, over four million views for a reason...I laugh everytime i see this lol. Japanese game shows are so superior...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Simply...Amazing... BET hip hop awards cyphers

I wish i was in one of these cyphers... this is hip hop...this is the first noteable thing BET has done in years that has caught my attention since the first Hip hop awards in 05... 

Hurricane Chris, K'naan, Bun-B, Q-tip
(*notable verse - K'naan & Q-tip*)
Willy Northpole, Hime, Blaq Poet, Corey Gunz
(*notable verse - Willy Northpole & Corey Gunz)

Ace Hood, Juelz Santana, Fabolous, Jadakiss
(*notable verse - FAB MURDERED EVERYONE!!*)
If you were in this cypher and you're not Fab you should be ashamed of yourself....he killed this and no one kept up with him.. lol

My Genki Dama OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....well...10,000

I had to do that... yay.....people like my Akira Toriyama dedication that I wrote about a year ago and threw together a little video for a visual and wanted to see if people would like it, and they just reached the 10,000 mark and I think that's pretty cool..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


"The most hated on out of all those who claim they get hated on, in 80 songs, they exaggerated..." - Eminem

Every five years people bring back old styles of clothing, recycle slang, start new trends and put a hold on trends that will be brought up later, so on and so on... Everybody's going to be biased to the decade that they group up in, or was a teenager in and call it the "golden years".  Everyone's entitled to that...the 90's was very important to me, to pop culture, and to the new wave of technology, (in my opinion).  older people loved the 70's, some the 80's... and Whenever "we" grow up we tend to say, "it's not like it use to be", or "these young kids blah blah"... I don't want to be the old head sounding dude...and I embrace a lot of new things that I swore I would never...

1. black men going back to wearing clothes that fit them (tight is better than  8 sizes too big)
2. Ipods and mp3 players ruling the world (when i finally got my hands on one, I fell in love)
**I buy music, you should too**
3. The internet being a trillion times more entertaining then television (finally something has beaten the idiot box (some misuse the net though too, more than two hours at a time is just crazy...
4. Futuristic themes that are showing up everywhere in pop culture from fashion to music

I don't like a lot of what I see, mostly things that I keep to myself for many reasons, but one thing that I CANNOT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND (((CANNOT))) is the whole "HATING THING"

 "He's a hater", "Shout out to all my haters out there", "I'ma let the haters hate", "Hi haters" 
"You can hate if you want, I'm doing my thing" ???????????????????????????????????????

Somebody please tell me what that's all about, that's about as generic as a black dude "that probably raps"
starting off his sentence with "whattup it's ya boy _____________".  It's gotten to a point where 
people are afraid to even say they dislike anything....why can't I just not think you're good at something
or think you don't look nice or that you didn't own up to your huge ego.? Why does everybody have
to be hating on you guy/girl who says that..guess what..???? you're not that important for someone to even be "hating" on...
now.. people are afraid to be called a hater... meanwhile there's wack records/musicians/actors/educators/not-so-smart-people and all this
foolishness out there because people won't say..."you're not good"....not me.... forget that.. call me a hater

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Q-tip Jackson?... This is hot..I hope MJ sees this

Q-tip you are amazing... :) I'm so buying your album...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I can' F'ing believe this PART III: Official trailer

NANDE KORE-WA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(if you want to see the most pissed off person in a movie theatre next april, call me and we'll go see this together, I already have about 5 people coming with me.  We'll make a "I'm gonna hate this movie" event and go super deep.  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

90's commercials: I use to love tv back then

This negro was killling this song!

What happened to all the anti drug awareness commercials.... either way, this is just wrong PEE WEE!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

I swear to goodness I remember this commercial like it was yesterday... It's claimed to be the very first got milk ad...and I believe it...

REMEMBER THESE Trigon Commercials!!!! this is the cutest thing ever...and I swear this little boy is "Randy" from the Wire season 4...I'll get down to the bottom of this!

God makes sure Fridays are always good: Philly

I haven't been to philly in like 4 or 5 months, ever since my nyc obsession I didn't think I would have to go back to philly.  "Little One" invited me to a night out in old city with her co-workers... I had fun... 
NYC: 1,999,999
"catch up"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Love Lockdown video & Heartless mp3

Kanye's first and second single... HEARTLESS is CRAZY HOT!!!

I've been working on new music

So... I'm still promoting "This is...for you" Like it's a Prostitute visiting a men's prison.... But, I have been working on a lot..... A LOT of new music.... because I don't want to be out of practice, while I'm in school (where a lot of people get rusty) sooo, with albums like Janelle Monae's Metroplis series, and other good music coming out... I have been inspired... and with that inspiration, I also got the idea to do concept records from now on.  Here's why...
1.  They're fun
2.  They challenge creativity, to really stay within a story and paint a picture
3.  Even though it's just music, they're more visually stimulating then just plain records. 
4.  Who wouldn't love to listen to a concept record.  A real one, not like "the COOL" sorry Lupe, i loved the album, but 5 records on topic spread out on a 20-something track album isn't a concept record
*note, go back to my old old blog post about Sticky Finger's "Black Trash" album (craziest concept album EVER)

I like weird and quirky titles, and thinking back to when I was a child, the titles like "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" and "Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing" also caught our attention...and the longer the title the better...So I came up with some long ass titles for what I've been working on. It might sound weird at first 

So... With saying all of that, I've roughly created three titles for some of the unfinished music that's locked away in my MP, thoughts, and books. These will eventually turn into albums, the titles are:

The Loose and Exciting Adventure of Johnnie Fields III
*This  takes place in the 1940's, about a man named Johnnie Fields (named after my grandfather and uncle...and my name means John too :).  He's a drinking, gambling, womanizing, law breaking guy from the Windy City who never does right by women that he's with...Could it be because of some hurt that he has experienced in his past???  This is a tale of jealousy, violence, vengefulness, trickery, lies, and SEX... all that is Johnnie Fields gets revealed as his life is changed  when he runs into a young lady from his past.  Will he change his ways?"               
My Childhood was Animated:
The Tale of the Chuck Taylors that saved the Universe
 "A young boy (nameless for now) who has a heart of gold and the imagination of 1,000 kids stumbles across a pair of chuck taylors that some one threw away.  He becomes fond of the sneakers, imagining that they're magic, he even wears them to sleep.  At night, his dreams make him twist and turn in sleep because they are so intense.  He  begins to have a series of never ending dreams about space travel, an evil villain, and a battle to protect the southern galaxy.  When he wakes up, he often has evidence from his dreams that it might be real.  Is this boy really fighting to save the universe, or is he using his imagination to cope with the harsh realities that is his life in poverty, getting bullied, and innocence lost????"
Bloke Please!:
Thaddeus Pennyfeather & the Outstanding Misunderstanding
" Thaddeus Pennyfeather is your average British Bloke.  He minds his business, goes to the job he hates every day, and pretty much hates his life because nothing exciting ever happens to poor Thaddeus.  Everything was as dull as usual, until one day on Thaddeus' bike ride home from work, he took  the short cut that changed his life.  He went down a block where he turns into an unfamiliar dead end and witnessed a murder committed by a local crime lord in London.  Thaddeus' life gets thrown into a world of guns, assassins, car chases and bar fights.  With the head of the underworld in London and the British police accusing him of the murder, Thaddeus experiences the chase of a lifetime.  Will he wish he had his old dull life back????"

*I'm really going to go IN on these cd's... stay tuned for more info soon*

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Many Moons: Janelle Monae... hot!!!!!!


Monday, October 6, 2008

this video is so dope to me... Peedi

I seen this on Dilemma's blog and I had to post this
Peedi Crakk's "Sweet Dreams" (Have you seen him)
*about Jay-z* this video is crazy hot!!