Sunday, July 20, 2008


This picture has nothing to do with this post..I just felt like paying homage to the late great Big L for being an inspiration to me and being one of the greatest MC's I've ever heard in my life... Rest In Peace to one of the greatest... (this is going to be the beginning of an installment I'll call..."Can you Afford to Pay Homage"...'s my question of the moment..and if you read this blog be honest and help me out... my question is.... DOES ANYONE READ THIS BLOG???? I mean really...I'm curious...the comments are really inconsistent and I wonder sometimes...Now...If no one does...that's fine with me..I do this for myself as a stress reliever/keeping my tpying fast 60wpm/giving a peice of my personality... I was just curious...If no one does... I'm fine... I do it for myself...BUT if you do... leave a comment on this blog saying that you do read this blog... it'll give me knowledge of who were the 6 or 7 people who read it from time to time... the reason why i ask this is because the number of views of my blog were waaaaay higher than i expected yet the comments are little and far let me know... PeAcE Yah....

P.S.. If you do read it...I'll start to let you guys in on cool things that are going on in my life right now... I actually have a cool story right now that just happened today...but I don't really like telling my personal things, but if I know people are reading... maybe I'll tell a few stories....


Anonymous said...

You know I'm a reader. I guess I should be commenting more seeing that I have my own blog and I get the same results, I get crazy views, 1 comment. and half the time its comment spam about porn or cheap new real estate venture. Keep doin ya thing.

Spottieottiedopaliscious said...

HECK YEA I READ UR BLOG!!! Im jus too dang lazy to leave comments. I dont kno y. Its not that hard to sign in. I will make a conscious effort to leave witty/insightful comments a couple times a week. lol

Anonymous said...

Yaya it's me Elissia! I read the blogs not as often as I probably should but I do come by to check on you and whats your new thought. Always Love and support for my favorite my space musician! ;o)

H said...

aww yaya... you know I gotta check in from time to time... you are advanced on this blog stuff, i've been doin it for a few yrs now and never learned how to check my views! haha. maybe i'll delve into that today, or i'll just keep the assumption goin that everyone hits up the blog, lol.

keep doin it big!

Cal da chief said...

Yo! Big L was the sh!t, "I dont know why, why im so fly, a girl ask me a ring and i put one around her whole eye" that was one of my favorite lines inna song from his first album. Oh yeah! you already know i readum and comment. Keepem coming!!!

Cal da chief said...

a man you know ima avid listener of your music, why wouldnt i read your Keepem up