Friday, April 25, 2008

I haven't done one of these myspace surveys in it goes

The Last Survey
Last person you huggedTifah (her bday was yesterday)
Last car ridea couple of hours ago with Kyle
Last time you criedI don\'t know
Last movie you watchedSeven
Last food you ateChicken my dad made
Last item you boughtI don\'t know
Last shirt you worean aired tshirt to help move stuff
Last phone callNate
Last text messageYasmin
Last kissTiana Nichelle
Last thing you touchedkeyboard
Last funeralGrand Daddy
Last trip to the mallTwo or three days ago Moorestown Mall
Last time you were excited for somethingEstelle Concert a few weeks ago
Last person you sawDad who looks like a Koala
Last thing you drankWater (Poland Spring)
Last person that broke your heart- - - - - - - -
Last time you were happyyesterday, I laughed a lot......dying
Last plane rideAtlanta a month and change ago
Last dreamnightmare, I killed someone....
Take This Survey at


All About Me Survey
I AmYahya, Yaya, Yah2
I WantSuccess and to fall in love....more so success
I Havea big heart
I WishI was in New York right now
I Hatethe radio
I FearGod
I HearEnglish accents in my head
I Searchfor good people that can make me laugh
I Wonderif flying cars will ever replace the \"car\"
I RegretTwo things
I Lovemusic, anime, and laughing
I AcheWhen i listen to the radio
I Alwayspee before I eat....I know its weird, but i have to lol
I Usuallytie my shoes when i 1st buy them, then never again, always slip in
I Am Notan asshole...contrary to your belief
I Dancewhile making a beat
I Singall the time, in public
I Neverbring women around my little sister or mom
I RarelyDo songs with people
I Crywhen a song is super hot... i would say tear up
I Am Not Alwaysoverracting
I LoseEVERYTHING....seriously
I'm Confusedwhen following directions in the car
I Needto lose weight
I Shouldstart reading more
Take This Survey at

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