Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Off to Atlanta for a little bit...i'll be back Jersey...bye

I'll be back Sunday.............Everybody be good...........oh the way....i'm going because "CAPTAIN HOOK IS A IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yah's Lame Accomplishments Part ONE: level 8-3 on Mario

Sooooooo.....I don't know about you Nintendo Players......but for those still playing NES in 2008 like me....know how F'ing hard it is to beat Mario...and I NEVER EVER got to level 8-3....of course I DIED Mad easy...but it was a crazy stupid extra big accomplishment thats probably lame to ya'll but AWESOME TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give me some DAP!!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

YaYa's Movie of the Moment: Be Kind Rewind

This movie was super good...the wack part was that none of the movies around my way had it so me nad my sis had to go all the way to the Franklin Mills at AMC just to watch it....Jack Black...Mos Def...5 Stars....Michelle Condry....great director....go see it....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Discovery of Greatness on the Internet Part ONE: DERRICKCOMEDY(one word)

DERRICKCOMEDY! the funniest SH** I've seen since Chappelle...

This group is a New York City based comedy act known as Derrickcomedy(one word). I keep preaching to people how the internet is so much more entertaining than the tv...and when i stumbled across these guys, my theory just became that much better. Actors Donald Glover(writes for 30 Rock*my favorite character), Dominic Dierkes, DC Pierson, and Meggie McFadden together form the members of Derrickcomedy. Some of there videos are on, thats where i discovered them... Then i went to the derrickcomedy youtube channel and website...Every single sketch is creative and professional, and i can't stop talking about these guys...I've been spreading the word ALL CRAZY...They're performing at Rutgers Newark this weekend and I'M SO GOING!!!everybody's busy so i'm going alone (sorry Jazzy). If you're looking for something new and refreshing to laugh at check them a matter of HERE for a sample..YOU BETTER LAUGH OR your not human... If you're watching there videos for longer than 30minutes...that proves that the internet is the GREATEST!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Being A kid in the 90's Part Two:Where In The World Is Camen Sandiego theme

The Group Rockapella killed this song!!!!!!!!! I couldn't find the official i just posted the song..

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Justice vs. Simian - We Are Your Friends

This Video is soooooooo GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's day to everyone all crazy!

Happy VALENTINTES DAY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully everyone has a good is the day everyone is given a free pass to show someone how they feel without feeling's the time... use it wisely....Peace and all that chocolatey valentines day goodness.... (big smile) Yah2

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Art and Technology" vol. Tres :

First off let me say....Haas put me up on this.... Today's blog will be on Kidrobot specializes in the world's hottest toys and action figures from Japan. If you're into custom figurines. Dunny's, Munny's and all of that chocolatey'll love this site... They also carry limited edition clothes, art, and books if you're not into the toys....collectors...have fun....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thriller 25 Official Promo

Never again will there be an album like this.......

Friday, February 8, 2008

YaYa's Fourth Theory on "Why we're in the future" : Gas Pump Whether Men

Thanks to Nakia for taking this pic with me and my theory in mind.... I can furthur my notion on why we're in the future...I mean.. look at go to get your gas pumped and a man is telling you what the forecast will be for the week....THATS CRAZY!!! people... we are in the future....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

YaYa's discovery of "Bafoonery" vol ONE.... : "Yaddaa Yee"

I'm not a hater...My favoite MC Common once said "if i don't like it, i don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating/" ...But please somebody tell me what happened to even TRYING to make something good... BAFOONERY!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Music Spolight!!! Roy G. talent?

Hey... you yeah YOU reading this...guess what...there's still talented musicians out there... One that i know personally is the very gifted and talented Roy Montemayor also known as Roy G. Biv.... Let me tell you something..... Singer, songerwriter, pianist, guitarist(is that a word?) lol.... he can do it all... We grew up in the same elementary schools and high schools...and we all knew he could sing... but its really hitting me now that he is a creative force to admire and envy at the same time... Not only just his voice...but I'm really impressed by his song writing abilities... *If you wrote songs you'd understand* If you have time....go check him out at I know you'll like add him as a friend.. and spread the word about Roy...because I know that if you're looking for good real music to listen to.....this is it... I'm actually about to watch his work and take notes... you do the same... also... click HERE to see a cool live video of Roy singing and playing an origninal song live... His pure, honest style of music is coming to save the day!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"Quick Flicks" pt.I (click pic to enlarge)

Check out me and Dilemma in some of these professional pics fromTRL...In the first one we're pretending to clap for Paris Hilton, which is just hilarious... and In the second pic we're gazing at the beautiful Jessica Alba....

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yes We Can Obama Song by

This record is AMAZING!!!! I love it...Will.I.Am. did it AGAIN!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Recent trip to NYC all crazy..... this is gonna' be long..

As soon as i got to NYC, i noticed the Borders right next to it...I never seen this..remember a few blogs ago i was saying the biggest Borders i've seen was in Maryland...NAHHH this one destroys that was huge and had the BIGGEST MANGA section i've ever seen in a regular book store......Then I went to Times square cause i had to go to MTV cause my boy Esteban got me a seat on TRL...On the show I seen Jessica Albba, Paris Hilton, and Lupe Fiasco... the cool thing is that since my boy worked there he got me to even see Lupe and Mathew Santos do they're soundcheck before the show even was funny, they were crackin jokes and eating sandwiches while performing... The cool thing is that they gave everyone in the crowd a new ipod nanoyess...i too am in the future now.... Dilemma was there too so after the show we hung around mtv's offices and all that chocolatey goodness...After all the hangin out we went to Atlantic Records so "D" can shop some beats and all that was pretty cool..that was the last stop before we headed home...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Pt.2 according to YaYa (click pic for close up)